Attention is the currency in our hyper-connected world. It’s so easy and convenient to pull out your phone and quickly check messages, alerts, and social media when interacting with someone in person.
The little device beckons, the screen pulls your attention. But every glance, tap, and scroll distracts from true connection and communicating with intent. You may be physically in the room with someone, yet mentally you’re lost in cyberspace.
Make a conscious effort to avoid digital distractions when engaged with another person. Put down your smartphone, turn it face down or put it on silent and out of reach to avoid the temptation.
Maintain eye contact, and be genuinely interested in what the other person is saying. Give them your complete, undivided attention. Lean into the conversation with appropriate body language and expressions. Listen actively rather than hearing passively while thinking of what you want to check online. Stay mentally focused and present.
The conversations will be more fulfilling, meaningful, and productive when you are truly tuned in versus digitally distracted. As you connect with them in the moment, it also communicates your respect and care towards your friend, partner, family member, or colleague.
Those face-to-face opportunities are precious; don’t let your devices sabotage them. When you are with someone, commit to really being with them, and give them your full attention.
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