Technology has brought us many good things, but overusing it can be a problem. It’s important to find a balance in how we use technology in our lives.
When we use technology excessively, it can affect both our bodies and minds negatively. Sitting for long periods of time while using devices can cause back pain, neck pain, and eye strain. Spending too much time online can also make us feel stressed and anxious.
The overuse of technology can also affect our relationships. When we’re always staring at screens, we might ignore the people around us. It’s important to make time for face-to-face conversations and connect with others in real life.
Our goal is to help you use technology in a smart way. We want to make sure you find a healthy balance in your life. It’s okay to enjoy technology, but it’s also important to take breaks, get some exercise, and spend time with friends and family. By using technology wisely, you can achieve a tech-life balance and keep yourself physically and mentally well.
Swedish officials advise that children up to 24 months old should have no screen time and adolescents, should have a maximum of three hours.
A survey of 1,000 people in New Zealand reveals how often they intentionally disconnect, and their motivations & challenges in disconnecting.
Arthur C. Brooks, discusses how social media is actually harming our ability to socialize, can contribute to loneliness, and proposes a way to fix it.
The 4-7-8 breathing technique increases the oxygen in your blood, slows your heart rate and helps to calm you, reducing stress and anxiety.
Box Breathing is a simple yet powerful technique that can help you reduce stress and improve focus in just minutes.
Organizing a clean-up for public areas like parks, beaches, or roads not only benefits the environment, but also serves as a way to create a community of like-minded individuals.